- 2 August 2023
There's nothing quite like the sensation of getting your Weber Kettle fired up and sizzling away with all your best meals. Charcoal grilling takes BBQ flavour to a whole new level, but sometimes the thought of firing up the BBQ can feel a tad overwhelming. Don't you worry - follow these quick steps and before you know it, you'll be enjoying your fav BBQ dishes in no time.
DIY Project Steps

1. Prepare your Weber Kettle
Let's get this grilling party started! Gently lift the lid off the Weber kettle grill and set it aside. Reach inside and take out the grill grate.

2. Place firelighters
It's time to introduce some fire-starting magic. Grab your firelighters or fire-starting cubes and position them in a nifty "V" shape on the charcoal grate inside the grill. The number of firelighters or cubes you use depends on the amount of charcoal you're planning to ignite.

3. Fill the chimney starter
Grab your chimney starter and your preferred briquettes. Fill the chimney starter with the amount of briquettes you need. The quantity will vary based on the size of your grill and how long you plan to cook.

4. Light the fire lighters and place the chimney
Now it's time to spark the flames, light the fire lighters using a long match or a grill lighter. Take your chimney starter and place it over the top of the fire lighters. Make sure the chimney starter is securely positioned to keep the flames contained and ready to work their grilling wonders.

5. Tip the briquettes into the weber
Once those briquettes are glowing red-hot and the flames can be seen, it's time to take the next step. Carefully tip the red-hot briquettes from the chimney starter into the Weber kettle. Be cautious and mindful of any hot embers or sparks. After pouring the briquettes, grab the grill grate and gently place it back onto the grill, ensuring it sits securely on the edges.
Now you're all set and ready to start cooking up a storm! Get those ingredients on the grill and let the magic happen. Enjoy the sizzle, the flavours, and the good times that come with a perfectly fired-up Weber Kettle.