- Porcelain enamelled hood and iGrill 3 ready (Accessory sold separately)
- 31.65 MJ (30,000 BTU) combined primary burner rating
- Space saving, fold down left side table with fixed commercial-grade thermometer
- Crossover ignition system and six convenient tool holders
- Two durable all-weather wheels
- GS4 Grilling System: Infinity ignition, porcelain-enamelled Flavorizer bars, stainless steel burners, grease management system
- All portable LP gas barbeques manufactured after 1st April 2022 feature a new generation regulator (safety lock), compatible only with the new LCC27 valve gas bottle SKU 789290. This is not compatible with the old POL valve gas bottles valve and adapters are not legal or safe. LCC27 Safety value will cut off gas flow if there is a leak detected or hose not connected correctly. Although the majority of our stock has now transitioned to the type 27 valved BBQ, we do still have POL valved BBQs in some stores.